Bowel Boost (50 grams)

Item 1 of 12
€ 5,95 (including VAT)

Bowel Boost is based on very finely ground beet pulp and wheat bran, which contain many easily digestible fibers and favorably affect intestinal fermentation. 

Dosage: 1 gram of powder dissolved in 6 ml of water, give every 3-4 hours (depending on the condition of the animal). Furthermore, give enough liquid.

Content: beet powder, wheat bran, vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional value: protein 11%, fat 1.5%, fiber 48%, Asch 4%, vit. C 0.5%, Ca:P = 3:2.

Weight: 50 grams.

*Bowel Boost is a supportive agent, but not a medicine! In case of (severe) diarrhea or constipation, antibiotics or prokinetics are needed. Seek veterinary help.

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