
Welcome to Cavycare! 

I'm Melissa and proud owner of Cavycare. From the moment I saw a guinea pig for the first time, I fell in love with these amazing critters! Since then I have started to get some knowledge about guinea pigs and that is one of the reasons why I started this webshop! 

You will find supporting products that you can use in case you have weakened or sick guinea pigs. However, the products are not a substitute for the vet! A visit to the vet is and remains the first step you should take when your guinea pig is not itself. 

I can also proudly mention that the nutritional formulas of Marumoto are available here. The composition is the same, but the origin has changed from Marumoto to Cavycare.

You will also find articles in which you can spoil your guinea pig even more, true treats! 

If you have any questions about a product, or do have tips or ideas for the webshop, be sure to let me know! Mail to info@cavycare.nl.

For medical questions about your Guinea Pig, I would like to refer you to the Facebook group Caviadokter, this page is not meant for emergencies!

If you have an emergency, please see a vet with more knowledge and interest in guinea pigs as soon as possible.

On the page Caviawijzer you will find a lot of information about how to take care of your guinea pig.

Thank you for your interest in Cavycare!


Lots of love Melissa

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